
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Exciting news! We’re going to Costa Rica! 

The last few days have been awesome for resting up and getting to know my teammates better. We did ministry in two teams over the weekend. One team went to a local park for the afternoon and walked around talking with and praying for people they met; the other team made cookies and attached handwritten notes of encouragement to give out. On Sunday, we went to a bilingual church called La Tribu. That was a wonderful experience, and the people were so friendly. We were invited by the pastor’s family to a birthday party and they grilled us burgers and played soccer with us and we were genuinely blessed by their servant hearts. The picture at the bottom shows most of the folk there right before we said goodbye. 

We were told that night when we got back to base that we finally have flights to get to Costa Rica! Most of today has been spent packing and cleaning. We will be heading out tomorrow morning at 7 for the Atlanta airport. Unfortunately, due to the size of our group, we aren’t able to all get on the same flight, so we have been split into 3 teams that leave at different times and have different layovers throughout the day; but we will all make it to San Jose, Costa Rica, by nighttime, and that’s what we’ve been waiting for! 

Considering that, prayers will be especially appreciated tomorrow and the following day. Our lovely leaders especially would appreciate prayers for strength and calmness, as all our different plans is fairly stressful to figure out and airports can be tough to deal with at any rate. Prayers for safety in traveling first to San Jose and then to Nicoya the next day would also be wonderful, as well as for boldness as we are finally beginning the mission that we have been trained for. 

That’s all I’ve got for you this time! Not sure when the next update will be, but I am very excited to get to Costa Rica and see how things will go there! 
